Affiliate Partner
Affiliate programs are one of the most commonly used SaaS partner programs. In this model, your business partners with content creators, website owners, and agencies to market your product.
MatriX AR Hub preferred affiliate partner: Opinion leaders in retail, ecommerce, augmented reality, virtual reality, marketing agencies, or other relevant fields.
How do we support partners: Media kit (product info and promo material), provide high-quality blog posts and topics these affiliates use to create awareness. Provide promotional codes, links, and other technical options to ensure each affiliate becomes a cut from subscribers they won for our business. If it helps our partner’s grown our affiliate program manager will regularly speak with affiliates to find out how we can accelerate both companies growth.
What do partners have to do: Inform their customers/audience via their channels about our MatriX AR Hub and it’s benefits. Meet sales target the the current tier or better get to the next tier.
Rewards: Commission on sales ranging from one to 8% on sales, depending on the Affiliate partner tier.
Partner tiers and thresholds
Solutions Partner
Sales revenue below USD 10,000 p.a., Commission 2%
Gold Partner
Sales revenue USD 10,000 to below USD 100,000 p.a. Commission 4%
Platinum Partner
Sales revenue USD 100,000 to below USD 500,000 p.a., Commission 6%
Diamond Partner
Sales revenue exceeding USD 500,000 p.a. Commission
Referral Partner
In a referral partnership, you select existing customers to refer your software to their friends, family, and others they’ve already developed a relationship.
MatriX AR Hub preferred affiliate partner: Customers who subscribed to our service.
How do we support partners: Media kit (product info and promo material), provide high-quality blog posts and topics these affiliates use to create awareness. Easy to use the communication channel to register referrals with us (email or WhatsApp message and we will follow up).
What do partners have to do: Referring us to prospective customers.
Rewards: Commission on sales ranging from 1% to 7% on sales or 3% - 10% credit to the purchase of MatriX AR Hub services.
Partner tiers and thresholds
Solutions Partner
Sales revenue below USD 10,000 p.a., Commission 1%, or credit note to use our system for a value of 3% (e.g. if the company give us business of USD 10,000 we pay a commission of USD 100 or we credit USD 300 to our customer when using our MatriX AR Hub.
Gold Partner
Sales revenue USD 10,000 to below USD 100,000 p.a. Commission 3% or credit note to use our system for a value of 5%
Platinum Partner
Sales revenue USD 100,000 to below USD 500,000 p.a., Commission 5% or credit note to use our system for a value of 7%
Gold Partner
Sales revenue exceeding USD 500,000 p.a. Commission 7% or credit note to use our system for a value of 10%
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